Kind Person Thinks She’ll Babysit Kitten for a Few Days But Her Other Rescued Cat Has a Different Idea - FSocial News

A kind person thought she would babysit a  kitten for a few days, but her other rescued  cat had a different idea.

A Good Samaritan found a tiny calico in their backyard without a mother or siblings. After searching and waiting to no avail, they contacted a local animal rescuer, Patricia Lika, for help.

At 3-4 weeks old, the kitten, Penny, wouldn’t have survived outside in the unrelenting heat. Patricia took her in and started bottle-feeding her around the clock.

Penny immediately sought affection from her foster mom. Despite her tiny size, she had a ravenous appetite and a big voice.

calico kitten rescued

To ensure the kitten never felt alone, Patricia spent ample time with her, keeping her occupied and reassuring her that she was loved. “She acclimated quickly and enjoyed being the only spoiled baby.”

Whenever Penny wanted attention, she spoke her mind loud and clear.

Once she ventured beyond her playpen, she befriended the resident cats and was thrilled to have constant companions. She discovered the joy of toys and realized she could play peekaboo under the couch.

“She loves being outside her kitten enclosure and quickly became friends with my older cats, but we always knew she would benefit from another kitten her size.”

sweet snuggly calico kitten

Around the time Penny was found, Nikki, a fellow animal rescuer, was at the municipal shelter for a 2-week-old kitten who needed a foster home.

“She was very fussy about bottle-feeding, so for a short period of time, I had to tube-feed her in order for her to survive,” Nikki shared with Love Meow.

tiny house panther kitten

She named the little house panther Beatrix or Bea, which means “the one who brings happiness” or “blessed.”

Thanks to the devoted care of her foster mom, Bea grew more alert each day and eventually started to eat on her own. When she was strong enough to climb the nursery with her micro claws, Nikki could breathe a sigh of relief.

tiny house panther kitten

At 4.5 weeks old, Bea taught herself how to eat from a dish and tackled the litter box like a champ.

As she got more strength in her legs, she became braver and more mischievous. One day, she scaled the playpen and claimed the foster room as her playground. “All the middle-of-the-night feedings and cleaning are worth it when you see things like this.”

black kitten house panther cute

“Baby Bea has such a sweet disposition. She’s so content all the time and doesn’t make a peep. She can easily entertain herself, so I thought she would be okay as an independent kitty.”

Last weekend, Nikki was away for a convention and entrusted Patricia to babysit Bea.

house panther kitten bea

The moment Bea entered the house, she strutted about like she owned the place. Completely fearless, she jumped on a robot vacuum and rode it around like her own magic carpet.

They thought Bea would stay for just a few days, but little did they know Penny had a plan of her own.

calico black kittens friends

Penny immediately took Bea under her wing, sharing all her toys and blankets. “They quickly became buddies and played all day long.”

They zoomed around the house and jumped up and down the couch. They danced around their people’s feet, demanding attention. After a long play session, they curled up and purred until they fell asleep.

playful kittens best friends

Perfect partners in crime, they found their way into all kinds of mischief and always crashed side by side after a day full of play.

When the weekend was over, Patricia looked at the two best friends and didn’t have the heart to separate them. She asked Nikki if Bea should stay with Penny, and Nikki agreed.

kittens best friends

“I have to do what’s best for her. That’s what fostering is all about,” Nikki said.

Both rescued from a rough start, they’re now thriving together with a loving foster family and friendly resident  cats.

kittens friends cat snuggles

By nvvp